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Looking forward to accompanying you on your Life Journey.

Wellness Life Management is about increasing awareness, where you are, as individual and teams.

Where do you want to go, focus and setting a direction, working with self management, focus on your strengths and potential. Supporting you with the tools and coaching that will make you succeed.

It's all about You, but you will have to decide if you want to move forward or not.

I will be teaching in sessions, classes, running work shops with dialogue, or one to one meetings with you.

Individually with PT classes, or in groups, or at your company with your team.

Your needs and evolution, let me support you on your journey.

Some topics that we could work on together below, and excisting offerings for online scheduling is available here

  • Management, of yourself or teams

  • Mindset and attitudes

  • Catalyzing Coaching

  • Direction setting

  • Coaching individually or couples

  • Mentorship

  • Living with awareness

  • Yoga

  • Mindfulness

  • Meditation

  • Breathing exercises

  • Energy work

  • Circles with sharing and development in groups

Current Yoga schedule:​

Weekdays to be confirmed

- Feel & Release class (Hatha / Vinyasa inspired)  Time to Be Confirmed

- Land & Integrate (Yin inspired) Time to be confirmed

Link to the app: Link

Apple store Link

Android store Link

When you have downloaded the app, register for Wellness Life Management with the code:

Booking classes & events - you can either download the app (in the link) and its directing you to my account, web store, class schedule and  to purchase individual classes/sessions or value cards giving you huge discounts, as loyal customers.

The app is called "Fit by Wix" and you find my account and pages through code: WELLNESSLIFE

You can as well schedule classes directly on this home page, under heading "Schedule classes"​​​



You want to schedule private lessons in Catalyzing Coaching, Mentorship, Personal Development, Therapy, Empatic Listening and presence, Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Restorative, Fitness, functional strength?

Send me a DM Wellness Life Mangament Instagram or Mail to

You can buy my Wellness Life yoga-mat with exceptional good grip and perfect if you have high expectations on that. The mat has engraved center line, support lines for hands and fets and a Tree in the middle that I have created myself. A unique visual form that you don't find on any other mat.


The practice and training can be individual with you, in a group, at your company for your employees or teams. This can be through hands on practicing Yoga or Meditation, or combining in work shops with dialogue and training to your specific needs. This can be at your place or I arrange it. Feel free to contact me to have a dialogue on what you need and how I in the best way can support you.



Send me a DM Wellness Life Management Insta or Mail to

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Client (male) #1


"Väldigt bra yoga och jag kan starkt rekommendera alla yoga varianter hos Stefan! Har testat Stefans Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Nidra klasser, och lika nöjd med dem alla! Efter passen kommer man ut fulladdad med energi i både kropp och sinne, samt en väldigt tydlig ökad rörlighet i hela kroppen efter varje pass!"

Client (female) #2 Gothenburg

"Yoga när den är som bäst, Stefans pass är välkomponerade med hög kvalitet och man längtar till nästa pass. Passen passar för alla yogisar och det finns alltid utrymme att utmana sig själv. Helt enkelt världsklass!"

Client (female) #3


"Ett pass för alla oavsett förkunskaper. Stefan leder tryggt och kunnigt passet, väldigt behaglig som instruktör. Man går därifrån med ett stort leende, behagligt avslappnad i kropp och själ."
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